1) Prep by who the heck cares. I remember sitting on the beach, talking about boys, basking in the sun, and wanting to kill you for not only LETTING me read this book, but actually SUGGESTING it!!!
2) Dogs of Babel . Ditto on the beach, but I believe this was a different summer, yet, you did it again--bad bad bad. She committed suicide! Not fun, not happy, not a beach read. And the whole stealing dogs and cutting them up? I pass.
Really, those are the only two that make me cringe at the thought of the time I lost and can never get back. To your credit, the list of books you have recommended that I did not despise, and even liked is MUCH longer. So now, the question is, where does Diana Gabaldon fall on the continuum?
A week ago I would have listed this as #3. Her writing is mediocre at best, I do enjoy historical fiction, and her characters I like, but they say the silliest and well--MOST SOFT PORN THINGS EVER!!!! Seriously Steph--You needed a boyfriend, BAD!!!!!
But, I am SUCH a sucker for "action" and "suspense" and REALLY??!!!?, the last paragraph of the book just HAD TO GO AND THROW A HOOK.
I hate you Steph.