Although I'm not a fan of blogging in general, this blog has many positive and interesting facets to it. Obviously, it's cool to keep track of all the books we have read. I probably couldn't name the last ten books I read without forgetting at least a couple, so thumbs up to an up-to-date list of what I've read. Secondly, I like seeing what steph has read. It is a good way to find new books to read and to know exactly what to expect from them, and it helps with recommending books to others. And finally, and completely unrelated to reading, I like having a timeline of my life. Steph--you know how I always like to play the game, "the last time I was here was..."? Well, I like looking through the books I have read, and I can remember exactly where I was, what I was doing, who I was dating, what game was on in the background, so forth and so on. I like having the very G-rated story of my life documented for me to remember how different things were last November, as I was reading One-Hundred Years of Solitude and The Pesthouse.
Digress much?
About the book. I'm a huge fan of artwork, specifically artwork from the late 19th century, so I was pretty psyched about learning more about some of my favorites (monet being my all-time favorite artist). The book was....eh. The writing wasn't great, but nowhere near as painful as Nim Chimpsky. I do find it amazing though to read about the poverty that these artists endured through a large portion, if not all, of their lives. And today they can be found in all of the most prestigious museums.