I feel very strange writing this post. Everyone is reading this book. Everywhere I look I see some eager child or adult clutching the final installment of J.K. Rowling's immensely successful series. I too am guilty of the addiction to this wonderfully crafted world of witchcraft and wizardry. While I didn't go get the book at midnight on the 21st when it became available, I did make my way to Borders to wait in a long to purchase it so that i could begin feverishly reading what would eventually make me weep. I use the word weep instead of cry because when you read a seven book series, you become attached to the characters. You become attached to the world within the pages and you don't ever want it to end. The ending of any series is always bittersweet, but Harry Potter even more so. Rowling got me before I even read the first page with her dedication that says, "The dedication of this book is split seven ways:...and to you, if you have stuck with Harry until the very end." Yep, I stuck with Harry to the very end as has everyone else who chanced to go out on a limb and pick up
The Sorcerer's Stone.
I won't be very specific about what happens in
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. I will say that I enjoyed it very much and I thought Rowling did an amazing job tying up loose ends and solving all the mysteries raised by the previous Harry Potter books. I got the answers I came for and the final chapter didn't leave me aching for more. It is rare for a book to deliver complete satisfaction, especially with a series but this one did. I wept for the end of an era that this final book ushers in. I would like to do it all over again and I am completely jealous of the budding young readers who have yet to discover Harry Potter and who will inadvertently pick up Book 1 and find themselves on the literary ride of their life. Cheers.
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