The Dogs of Babel had a promising premise--a mysterious death, no witnesses save the dog, and the quest of the bereaved husband to uncover the clues to the truth. But the novel fell very short of entertaining me. The second the husband begins recounting the history of his relationship with his wife, the death is no longer mysterious but has suicide written all over it, not subtle at all. There were a few interesting twists, or better put creepy twists--think dogs getting their throats cut open, which were nicely tied up at the end, I like clean endings.
I suppose the book was supposed to be the journey of a widower back to life. I have never lost anyone (picture me knocking on wood) important, or even semi-important in my life, and I guess I can't relate to the husband. His behavior was irrational, ridiculous, and unsafe and everyone but him could see that--even his dog. I guess I went through the book blaming him for his wife's suicide. She had all the signs of depression or some bipolar disorder from almost the minute he met her, and he never did anything.
It was sad. I don't do sad.
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