In eighth grade my parents made me read a book a week and write a book report about it in addition to my regular homework. I had to turn in the book report to my dad on Thursday night. He would then decide whether my work was worthy of allowing me to go out with friends over the weekend. Clearly my parents did not think I was doing enough reading at the Rochester Middle School, and they were definitely right. But I pose this question: is there such a thing as reading too much? After the past six week I would have to say YES! YES! YES! 50 books in one year is great, I am glad I will do it (yes, I will do it) I will brag to all my super smart friends, I may even put it on my resume ;), but looking at the challenge from where I am now I don't think it is a good idea. There may be a good number, but fifty is just too many. If you stay on track and read one book a week that is fine, I could do that, but don't forget that little thing that always gets in the way . . . LIFE. Whether it's a vacation with family, catching strep throat for the second time, drinking too much, or any other minor or major occurrence it is pretty much impossible to stay to a strict reading timetable. I feel like reading so many books in such a short time cheapens each book. A book I may have enjoyed I end up just getting annoyed at because I don't have the time to let it sink in. Bottom line, I am book burned out.
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The Pesthouse. Think
1984, and
The Handmaid's Tale star in the Day After Tomorrow set to the backdrop of the Oregon Trail. I enjoyed the book while I was reading, but thinking about it now and comparing it to books I have read before I realize it didn't offer anything new. It contained an already used theme with no new twist or take to it. It did win the National Book Critics Circle Award though, so I guess I didn't waste my time. Maybe this is what I am talking about--books that may be so much more seem superficial to me because I don't give them the time to sink in and and mean more. Oh well, maybe my goal next year will be to read 25 books and thoroughly scrutinize every meaning, every theme, every word . . . or maybe I will just get a job :)
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