Redfield talks about four types of control dramas that develop from your relationships with your family when you are a child. There is the interrogator, the aloof, the intimidator, and the poor me. I am a poor me. I come from an entire family of poor mes. We are the masters of using guilt to steal energy from others, to make them do what we want, to make them feel bad that they aren't going out of their way to do everything they can for us. Now that I know this--that I am this way--I must stop the cycle! I don't want to always repeat this way of getting energy. And yes, I know all this talk of energy sounds sort of hokie, but there is something behind it. Everyone has had interactions with people where you come away from a conversation feeling depleted and drained--probably because that person took your energy. And vice versa--there are those people out there who pump you up, who inflate you and make you feel like you are on top of the world. These are the people who give you energy. If only we could always surround ourselves with people who feed our energy instead of take it away.
Some of the other insights are a bit strange and far fetched, but for the most part, as with any self-help type book, you the reader must decide what to take and what to leave. I'm going to learn how to supply my own energy instead of relying on other people.
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