The Year? Nope. An important street address? Wrong again. The number of people killed at Waterloo? Keep guessing. If you guessed: THE NUMBER OF SMALL PRINT PAGES I read to finish this one--then you are correct! This is one long mofo of a book. Of course I read the unabridged version, because, really, if you're going to do it, you might as well ACTUALLY just do it!
Although it may sound as though I am complaining so far, I'm actually not. I loved the book. It is amazing, and really, the only thing to complain about is how tired my hands got holding it! It's heavy and cumbersome with that many pages--especially at the beginning and end!
I really can't even begin to put into words how great of a story Victor Hugo tells, and the amazing characters he created. Jean Valjean is just a big twisty mess of complexity, yet so pure and lovable--I rooted for him from the start. And Gavroche may be one of my favorite characters EVER. So funny, cute, energetic, loving and smart--yet he is only what, 12 or something? But you believe it. I have a feeling that the characters from this book are going to stay with me--they are anything but forgettable.
My one question or concern about the book is how strong of a statement is was back then to say, "I am a criminal, I was in prison." It seemed like once that was thrown out there, no matter all the good one had done, or the possibility of false accusation, you are suddenly less than human. Was that the way society in France really was back then? If you stole a loaf of bread to feed your starving family you could never be considered whole again? It all seems a little too steep of a price to pay to me.
It is just really a great book and it all ties together, all the characters have meaning, all the interactions have a point--it's pretty amazing to see that Hugo was able to tie something from page one to page 1488 with such clarity and skill. Loved it loved it loved it!!!
Now I need to go get my tickets to see the play!!!
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