Every new relationship features two people with two sets of behavioral patterns. Each person will treat the other person a certain way as long as the other person lets them. Similarly, dogs will behave a certain way as long as they can get away with it. The secret to training a dog? Be firm when setting boundaries and letting them know what behavior is okay and what behavior is not okay. Through a system of checks and balances (treats, kenneling, etc) you guide the dog to the correct behavioral pattern.
Is this how we girls should deal with guys? Do we really need to employ the same techniques used to train dogs to train our boyfriends? Perhaps. A guy will treat you how you let him treat you. When you aren't being treated how you deserve to be, you definitely have to lay down the law and demand to be treated better. This usually starts with a conversation where you address the wrongdoings. But what about when nothing changes? When talking doesn't work, your actions speak louder than your words and you just might have to treat Brian like Rover.
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