I sadly end my 2008 list of books with Dan Brown's atrocious bomb,
Deception Point. I tried to think of some witty way of saying how shitty this book was--you know, something with deception in the title but horrid fiction does little to inspire me and I drew a blank. I actually finished this before Christmas and stayed up late one night while I was home in New York reading to find out what the huge deception was.
It was underwhelming and awful and I am annoyed I close out the year with such a sham of a book. There is a reason I stay away from this type of book--it always disappoints. I even thought about not posting about this misstep but alas, I must truthfully record all of my literary endeavors for the year. Perhaps this will inspire only quality reads for 2009!
Steph. I'm not sure that our reading this year quite matched up against last year. I was quickly counting up the "types" of books we read.... we were heavy on the "just for fun" this year. I think if you added up all our books, the majority of what we read was kid's books.... haha.
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