With this pocket sized book I was able to carry it with me all about town, which inevitably caused many people to either rant or rave (mostly rave) about the book to me. I think at least three people told me it was their "favorite book of all time". I got one "I hated that book"! All this made me think, if I saw someone reading it, what would I say?
I think I fall somewhere in the middle. I can vaguely relate to Holden. Growing up in New Hampshire, I had siblings, as well as many friends who attended boarding school. If you thought high school was bad, boarding school is a whole other breed of awful! But, I didn't hate high school, it wasn't the best years of my life, but I was happy, so that leaves me at a huge impasse with Holden. I have known people like Holden, those people DRIVE ME CRAZY. Wah, wah, wah. Holden's issues with people are the ironic (still trying to figure out how to use this word) part about the book. He goes on and on about all the phonies in the world, and all the liars, yet he is the phoniest and biggest liar of them all!
So, when asked about The Catcher in the Rye what would I say? It's worth reading but most definitely not my favorite book of all time. I really need to go back to the folks who told me that because I would really like to know what they loved SO MUCH about it.
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