We survived our 50 books in one year challenge. In 2009 we are still reading...

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Septembers of Shiraz by Dalia Sofer (#23, book club)

Another pick from the book club. I had mediocre hopes for this one, and was neither let down nor inspired by Septembers of Shiraz.

On the one hand I would compare it to The Kite Runner, and according to some other book club ladies it is even more reminiscent of A Thousand Splendid Suns. The book is fiction, but is based off of real life events--and real things that happened to Dalia Sofer in Iran. Once again I had no idea about the complete injustice that took place in the early 80s in Iran--during my lifetime.

The historical portion of the book I found enjoyable, as I always do, but on the not so positive side I found her writing and story very elementary. We were all amazed at all the praise you find about this "amazing debut novel" by a "breakout author" etc. etc. For whatever reason it seemed like the book just barely skimmed the surface of what could have been an incredible story, and I never had enough time to really get attached or care about the characters.

On to more books . . . who knows what the next book club pick will be, but in the meantime I am tying myself down with Les Miserables--unabridged!!

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