Prequels are a phenomena all their own. Throughout the whole book I continually kept going back to The Wizard of Oz in my head wondering if Gregory McGuire was right, and the Wicked Witch of the East really did live the life he gave her in Wicked. It is quite a feat to take the epitome of an evil character and make the reader feel bad for her. McGuire also turns the frightening childhood movie (that some of my adult friends still refuse to watch!!!) into a joke. The characters you once believed were strong and heroic are turned into blubbering buffoons. And did the tin man really need to decapitate all the dogs? They were just coming out to greet Dorothy and her gang! The book was tongue in cheek funny. While I was reading I wasn't particularly interested in really thinking about his political statements and deeper themes, but they were definitely there.
The book was clever, funny, imaginative and it made me think when I had the energy. I can't wait for McGuire to ruin every childhood fairy tale. ;)
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