Thomas seems to be a new favorite author--I read Popco this summer and really enjoyed the theoretical nature of her writing. Her plots are intricate and you really do want to keep reading to find out what the big secret is. My biggest problem though is the main characters--they are not likable women. Both Popco's and The End of Mr. Y's heroines were strange, weird and without fundamental redeeming qualities. I enjoyed both books about the same though, and it was delightful to actually understand the philosophical principles behind what The End of Mr. Y actually hinges on. What English major wouldn't enjoy a book that was basically an example of Saussurean concepts about the power that language has over the reality that we inhabit. And Derrida, oh Derrida how long it has been. Thank you to Thomas for keeping my literary mind working.
I lament not reading The Girls, as I said I would fit it in to my 50 but 2008 is a new year, a new challenge, and open to many, many reading possibilities. Stay tuned for our recap of a year in books.
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