I haven't read The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe in some time so I couldn't say which one I enjoyed more. Although, I would probably have to say it wasn't The Magician's Nephew, I liked it plenty, but I don't think the adventures were quite as exciting as those in The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe.
I always come up short when it comes to "getting" the religious implications of a book. Clearly, C.S. Lewis is known for his biblical references, and, yes, I did notice that Aslan calls the humans "Son of Adam" and "Daughter of Eve" and I was quite aware of the magical apple that the Witch ate, which she clearly shouldn't have. And there was all that Noah's ark type deal of Aslan choosing two of each type of animal to be able to talk. But, what does it all mean? I have no idea.
My favorite part of the book had to be the few chapter's when the evil Witch, Jadis, followed Diggory and Polly back from her world to London. Once in London, Jadis planned to take over the world--very Austin Poweresque. She hits the town telling Diggory's Uncle to procure her transportation, a flying rug, or horse, something of that nature. That is just funny. She causes major chaos in London and returns home standing on top of a buggy, whipping the horse ferociously, with a whole slew of policemen, shop owners, and onlookers following close behind.
You can be sure I will be reading more of the Chronicles of Narnia very soon.
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