We survived our 50 books in one year challenge. In 2009 we are still reading...

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Cider House Rules by John Irving (#13, Contemporary LIterature)

I know, I know--I haven’t posted a book on here in a couple months. It has been so long that I think I may have forgotten a book or two. I started a post about Geraldine Brooks’ People of the Book but somehow got sidetracked and never went back to finish it. And then I traveled to Germany for a month and didn’t have solid blocks of time on the Internet to be able to post while I was over there. And then having been back stateside I have been so busy working and catching up with life that I have let my participation slide. But fear not three faithful booknymph readers…I am back! I haven’t stopped reading—I have just run out of time to post about my literary exploits.

Right before I left for Germany I made a trip to Longfellow Books, one of the coolest used bookstores in Portland, and grabbed three throwaway paperbacks to accompany me on my travels. I didn’t really give much thought to what I would want to be reading and the three novels I found were The Cider House Rules by John Irving, Sarum by Edward Rutherford and Suite Francaise by Irene (insert). Sadly I never made it through Suite Francaise but the other two I did thoroughly enjoy reading.

I have never been a fan of John Irving but when I saw The Cider House Rules on the shelf at the bookstore in a handy dandy small paperback edition, I felt compelled to pick it up and read it. And so against my previous prejudice, I gave Irving another chance—he did not disappoint. I loved this novel and spent the four-hour ride to and from Cologne buried in the world of Homer Wells. Irving is a great writer and I have no idea why I wrote him off after I read Widow For One Year back in the summer of 2004—clearly my reading tastes have changed. I will definitely be reading some of his other novels.

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