We survived our 50 books in one year challenge. In 2009 we are still reading...

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Jemima J by Jane Green (#17, Chick Lit)

After reading those two heavy hitting, sad books I needed something a little lighter. Well--maybe a lot lighter. Jane Green's Jemima J was just what the doctor ordered. Not only is Jessica's bookshelf stuffed with quality reads, but she also has an ample amount of chick lit to satisfy any girl power/romantic story craving.

Sarah read it first and gave it a thumbs up so I figured I probably wouldn't completely hate it. Formulaic yes, but I don't read this genre nearly enough to get sick of said novels. I enjoyed Jemima J's weight loss story. I liked her online dating and her new look and persona and couldn't wait for her to find her prince charming at the end.

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