We survived our 50 books in one year challenge. In 2009 we are still reading...

Thursday, August 20, 2009

A Lady's Pleasure by Renee Bernard (#31, Porn)

I debated whether or not I would document the fact that I read this book. I initially said I wasn't... but, I've put up every other book I have read for the past 2+ years, no need to get shy now.

I have nothing to say about this book. This was picked for a themed book club. It was amusing for about two seconds, then meh. What little kid says, "when I grow up I want to write trashy romance novels"? Apparently Renee did.

I don't know the exact statistics, but based on my anecdotal evidence from working at Barnes and Noble, the majority of genre purchases are SciFi and Romance.

Shocked and appalled.

But, book club was great as usual and sadly I think we spent more time discussing this one than any book to date. We may also have had a read aloud session ... maybe...


Shirley Makeout said...

Hahahaha this is great. Who wouldn't want to read a book called, "A Lady's Pleasure?"

Shirley Makeout said...

Also I'm glad we now have a category called Porn.