We survived our 50 books in one year challenge. In 2009 we are still reading...

Friday, December 13, 2013

Devil in the Details by Jennifer Traig (#28, Nonfiction Memoir)

I really hated this book.  Somewhere I saw a review that compared her to Augusten Burroughs.  NO FREAKING WAY.  You want to say they both had fucked up childhoods, sure, but this girl was just damn annoying.

When you write a memoir about childhood, things aren't going to always be 100% accurate, I get it, but I just can't swallow a whole chapter of her talking about how since she was a toddler she looked down her nose at all those who weren't Parisian, or how she wanted to wear makeup since then as well. I'm sorry, a toddler?  I don't remember shit from last year, let alone when I was three.

Another review said her antics were hysterical.  Her antics while certainly OCD, and over the top as she is very much is aware of, were not funny.  Maybe it was cathartic for her to write about a childhood of having to deal with OCD before it even had a name, but gosh, I wish I hadn't been subjected to reading about it.

Terrible.  1 out of 5.

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