We survived our 50 books in one year challenge. In 2009 we are still reading...

Thursday, January 4, 2007

50 books not suggested by Oprah

I accept the challenge. After reading a long string of HORRIBLE books (Prep, A Wedding in December, The Starter Wife) I will not succumb to any more books endorsed by Oprah or found on the Bestseller list. No more "Chick Lit" or trite "woe is me" family sagas. 2007 will be the year of good prose, intelligent thought and innovative ideas. Time to start turning the pages.

1 comment:

Karl said...

You know your site shows up on seven porn search engines? Huh, who knew. But anyway, are you guys taking suggestions? Because I think you should definitely try Infinite Jest. The first 400 pages ought to bog you down until late February. Then, deep into March,I suspect you'll be a third of the way through its sweeping pile of self-indulgent crap. By June, you'll be bug-eyed and hateful, turning pages to the tune of Hootie and wondering where the hell you are and whose turn it is to do the dishes. September will be sweet. You'll turn on Gilmore Girls, sit down with a bucket of popcorn and torch the last 10 pages just to protest the waste of reading the previous 6,000. Then you have Halloween and eggnogg and Thanksgiving, and you'll forget the whole ordeal.

I don't want to upset your meticulously-chosen schedule and book breakdown - which is well done, by the way, especially with Jane Austen. But I think if you get through this one book, just this one rainforest tome of garbage, you'll get a pass on the other 49. By me, at least. So do it up.

Is there any way I can get email updates on your progress?