We survived our 50 books in one year challenge. In 2009 we are still reading...

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Gone With the Wind by Margaret Mitchell (#37, Classic)

It is a book like this that makes me crave for those days back in Portland at Starbucks when Steph and I would sit for hours talking about books. I caught a glimpse of it last weekend. We had few moments to discuss books but somehow we snuck in a conversation here or there within a jam-packed schedule. There are few people I can sit and talk about books with endlessly-- I am fairly certain no one else will ever compare. :)

But, man, this book. I really loved it. There is something so incredible about making a character who you love, hate, despise, understand, and cannot believe her selfishness and charity, all within a single action. And, wow, the Civil War sucked. I felt awful reading about Sherman burning through the south, because in my northern teachings, all the terribleness he inflicted was a sign of victory.

I can't believe I: a) had never read this b) did not know anything about the story (well, other than that scene from Miss Firecracker with Holly Hunter) and c) have never seen the movie. I am SO glad I have not seen the movie-- no doubt it will be a major disappointment, but one I am anxious to experience.

I finished the book at 3AM last night and wanted more.

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