We survived our 50 books in one year challenge. In 2009 we are still reading...

Thursday, May 1, 2008

The Secret by Rhonda Byrne (#13, Self Improvement)

I was initially put off by the layout of this book. I took one look at how there are strange little blurbs here and there throughout and decided that I didn't want to have to work that hard to get through each chapter. But then I realized that this is not your traditional self-help book--it doesn't have to follow the rules. Byrne can make it as scatterbrained as the readers who are likely to believe what can be found on the inside of The Secret.

That said, I guess I will admit to being one of those scatterbrained individuals. I was really skeptical at first but when I caught the episode of Oprah where they talk about this book I changed my mind--a little. There were concrete examples of people who used the secret to their advantage. The law of attraction is a powerful thing and I do believe there is something to it. I have even seen the results in my own life. I really do believe we attract the things we truly want. I mean how many times have you been thinking about someone and then you run into them at the grocery store? Or they call you one day out of the blue? I am pretty good at attracting people to me when I want them by simply thinking about them. It's eerie when you think of someone and then all of a sudden they are everywhere you go. Is this the secret at work? Is this the universe hearing you ask for something and then arranging it so that you can have it? It is an interesting concept and definitely one that I will be exploring in the future.


Rebecca said...

Did you read the whole book from the bathroom? :)

Shirley Makeout said...

the first part...then i brought it into my room and finished it. shawn might be reading the entire thing from the bathroom though...

Unknown said...

The Law of Attraction can give you anything you want if you are willing to learn how to apply it. It can heal your life. It can change your world.