We survived our 50 books in one year challenge. In 2009 we are still reading...

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer (#27, Young Adult)

I finished Breaking Dawn, the fourth and final book in the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer, not five minutes ago and here I am blogging about it. I realize that my credibility as a book snob seems to drop a point with each young adult guilty pleasure read I throw on here but my friends, I am a sucker for a series. How can you not love reading about great characters book after book? I have always had a thing for books in a series and I think it's because I get so attached to the characters that it is hard for me to let them go. Case in point is the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon--it may not be groundbreaking literature but I sure do love me some Jamie and Claire! 

I was super excited to read the final installment of this series and I am pretty surprised that I didn't shoot out and buy a copy myself at the beginning of August when it first came out. I waited patiently for the book to come to me when the time was right and it did. I loved the twists and turns of the plot, I loved how the characters developed and changed, and I loved the complete and utter absorption I was able to achieve while reading. Meyer's vampire world is vivid and exciting; I will miss Bella, Edward and Jacob. 

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