We survived our 50 books in one year challenge. In 2009 we are still reading...

Monday, September 22, 2008

Why Men Love Bitches by Sherry Argov (#29, Nonfiction)

This might be the most embarrassing book to post yet. You might be asking some questions at this point. Why did I read this book? More importantly, why did I buy this book? A new friend (and self-proclaimed bitch) recommended it to me. After hearing my stories from this summer and my entire relationship history, she decided that I needed a huge dose of bitch. I am the quintessential nice girl. I shudder to think how in the dark I have always been and how I have been playing a game where I didn't fully understand the rules. 

Now let me straighten one thing out for you. Sherry Argov (who writes for magazines like Cosmo and Glamour) uses the term bitch not in the way you might think. Her "bitch" is not the self-centered crazy woman who cares about no one, gets off on being mean to people, and goes out of her way to put men in their place. Argov's bitch is the woman who is confident, knows who she is, knows what she wants, and is unwilling to put up with the bullshit that men try to get away with. She respects herself and therefore demands respect from the men she dates. Guys who show her less respect than she deserves get the boot. 

There are several instances in the book where Argov uses a table to show the difference between the nice girl and the bitch. I was shocked to see that more often than not I fell into the nice girl category and by Argov's standards I am a textbook doormat. If only I had read this book four months ago! As I said before, I have been playing a game without knowing all the rules. Argov's humorous satire has enlightened me and perhaps the next time I deal with a guy, he might be getting the bitchier side of me. No one wants to date a doormat. 

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